Jockey Pumps

Fire Jockey Pumps are low flow, high pressure pumps that keep the fire system pressurized during non-fire conditions. They are usually sized at 1% the capacity of the main Fire Pump and must be able to deliver at least the same discharge pressure as the main pump.. The large flow main fire pump is activated by a system pressure drop, so it is very important to maintain system pressure since even the packing drip or normal plumbing leaks will allow the system pressure to drop over a period of time. When the system pressure drops to a preset level, the jockey pump will start and will charge the system back to normal pressure. In case of a fire, the sprinkler heads and fire hose connections are opened creating a demand above the jockey pumps capacity. When the lower pressure setting of the main fire pump is reached, it will start up and provide the needed high flow and pressure for fire suppression. Depending upon system size, Burks and Pedrollo peripheral turbine pumps are used for fire system jockey pump service and also as jockey pumps for irrigation systems.