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Sump Pumps

Sump Pumps

Sump Pumps

Submersible sump pumps by Goulds Water Technology Pumps, Leader Pumps, Liberty Pumps, Little Giant Pumps, Pedrollo Pumps Rule Pumps and Zoeller Pumps for residential, commercial, and industrial use. The SumpJet Model SJ10 is a water powered back-up sump pump that will protect your basement in the case of a power outage. A sump pump is used to remove water that has accumulated in a sump basin, commonly found in the basement of homes. The water may enter via the perimeter drains of a basement waterproofing system, funneling into the basin or because of rain or natural ground water, if the basement is below the water table level. Pumps may discharge to the sanitary sewer in older installations. Many homeowners have inherited their sump pump configurations and do not realize that the pump discharges to the sewer. Once considered acceptable, this practice may now violate plumbing codes or municipal bylaws, because it can overwhelm the municipal sewage treatment system. Municipalities urge homeowners to disconnect and reroute sump pump discharge away from sanitary sewers. Fines may be imposed for noncompliance.

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Probably the most common cause of sump pump failure is electrical in nature. Plugging the pump into an extension cord, or an outlet that shares a circuit breaker with other electrical items, can cause the pump to receive low voltage. In order to run it then has to draw higher amps. That causes the pump to run hotter. Heat is the enemy of electric motors and can shorten the life of a pump dramatically. The pump should be plugged directly into an outlet (no extension cords) and that the outlet is the only thing powered by the circuit breaker (or fuse) that feeds it.
The Power is Out; the pump has Insufficient capacity to handle the amount of water entering the sump pit; the pump has not been installed correctly; The check valve is stuck or not installed properly; The float switch is stuck or not installed properly; the pump has not been maintained correctly; the pump is old and worn out; the pump is clogged or seized up; the discharge pipe is clogged or frozen
What you need to consider is horsepower not size. The horsepower requirement for a house is determined by the area of drainage connected to the sump, the depth to the groundwater, the depth of the basement, and a few other factors. A 1/3 hp pump is standard for most houses.
Houses located in flat or low lying areas where rain and melting snow saturate the ground often experience wet basements. As water pressure builds up around the foundation of the house, it will seek the path of least resistance through cracks in walls or floors. The result is a flooded basement. Although Basement Waterproofing Systems are many and varied, a Sump Pump is most effective in controlling excessive groundwater. It collects the water from around the house or under the basement through a series of pipes that empty into a Sump Pit. The Sump Pit is placed below the lowest point in the basement, and it depends on a Sump Pump to expel the water and keep the basement dry. Many communities are now requiring the installation of a Sump Pump System in new construction.
No. Sump pumps are designed for short periods of operation. Running a sump pump for too long can cause the pump to overheat. It is also oil-filled. If fish waste attacks the pump seals, or it overheats, that oil can be discharged into your water feature. That will kill the fish and plants. When it cools, it will draw water up inside the pump motor which will kill the pump. Using a sump pump any place where water recirculates is not recommended and will void the warranty.
In the event of a malfunction or breakdown, grounding provides a path of least resistance for the electricity to follow. This pump is equipped with an electric cord having a grounding conductor and a 3 pronged grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into a matching outlet, properly installed and grounded, in accordance with all local codes and ordinances and National Electrical Code (NEC).
Do not modify the plug provided. If it will not fit the outlet, have the proper outlet installed by a qualified and competent electrician. Do not remove the ground prong from the plug.
Locate the electrical outlet within reach of the pump power cord. The receptacle should be located 4 feet above the basement floor to help reduce the possibility of immersion.
DO NOT USE EXTENSION CORDS. Extension cords can present a safety hazard if the insulation gets damaged or the connection end drops into the sump and contacts the water. Extension cords that are too long or too light do not deliver sufficient voltage to the pump motor.
The required voltage information is located on the pump nameplate. Check to be certain the voltage source is the same as that required by the pump motor.
Make certain the electrical supply circuit is equipped with fuses or circuit breakers of adequate capacity to operate the pump motor. The required amperage information is located on the pump nameplate. A separate branch circuit is recommended and shall be sized according to the National Electrical Code.
Yes you should….The operation of any pump can result in foreign objects being thrown into the eyes, which can result in severe eye damage. Always wear safety goggles suitable for the application.
An alarm is suggested to warn of high-water condition resulting from control, pump or system malfunction. Alarms may be audible and/or visual, as appropriate for maximum effect. The power supply for the alarm shall be a separate circuit so that circuit interruption to the pump will not affect the alarm circuit. Alarm activation level must be between the pump turn-on level and the bottom of the inlet.
Never……., Do not use sump pumps in septic tanks to handle effluent or raw sewage. Do not use sump pumps in hazardous locations or use them to handle flammable liquids. Do not discharge laundry waste into sump pit. Use separate laundry pump and separate discharge.
The sump pit shall not be less than 18 inches diameter and 24 inches deep, unless otherwise specifically recommended by the manufacturer. The pit shall be accessible and located such that all drainage flows into the pit due to gravity. The sump pit may be constructed of tile, concrete, steel, plastic or other suitable materials as approved by local codes. The pit bottom shall be solid and provide permanent support for the pump. The sump pit shall be fitted with a removable cover adequate to support anticipated loads in the area of use and to prevent refuse from entering the pit.
If you are installing a new sump: Locate the sump approximately 6” from the basement wall in the lowest point of the Basement floor; with chalk, mark out the diameter on the floor; cut through the floor with masonry drill or other concrete cutting tool and excavate below the floor to the required depth; level the bottom and set sump pit in place. Tie in any sub-floor drains; backfill and mortar tile or sump pit in place. The top should be flush with the floor for surface drainage unless otherwise specified by codes; It is recommended that the bottom of the tile be provided with a concrete base. However, a concrete block or bricks may be used to provide a support for the sump pump.
Clean any debris from the pit and set the sump pump in place. A solid bottom is required to prevent clogging of the pump from sand and dirt; Locate the pump in the pit so that the pump housing and any float control will not come in contact with the side of the pit and create operational problems. Sump pumps can be piped to discharge into the house drainage system, to a dry well or splash block, or to a storm drain depending on local plumbing codes. Do not connect the sump pump discharge to the sewage system.
The discharge piping should be as short as possible, with a minimum number of turns, to reduce pipe friction losses. It is recommended that the discharge pipe diameter be equal to or larger than the discharge size of the pump. Smaller pipe diameters will piping should be as short as possible, with a minimum number of turns, to reduce pipe friction losses. It is recommended that the discharge pipe diameter be equal to or larger than the discharge size of the pump. Smaller pipe diameters will restrict the capacity of the pump. Do not connect with anything less than the size of the discharge tapping of the sump pump.
The motor vibration can break a male adapter installed on the sump pump discharge……always use a PVC nipple instead of a male adapter.
Always install a union in the discharge line just above the sump pit to allow easy removal of the pump for cleaning or repair. The installation of a check valve and a ball valve are required by most codes and ordinances to prevent backflow of water into the sump.
A relief hole (1/8” or 3/16” diameter) should be drilled in the discharge pipe. This hole should be located below the floor line between the pump discharge and the check valve. Unless such a relief hole is provided, a bottom intake pump could “air lock” and will not pump water even though it will run.
No…. With tie straps or pipe strapping, or other suitable device, secure the cord to the discharge pipe making sure not to kink or severely bend the cord where it exits the pump. Do not allow the cord to interfere with the electrical cord, to drape around the motor nor sucked into pump suction. With tie straps or pipe strapping, or other suitable device, secure the cord to the discharge pipe making sure not to kink or severely bend the cord where it exits the pump.
Install a sump cover. A cover will help prevent solid matter from falling into the sump, help control odors, and help guard against accidental injury.
All electrical work must be performed by a qualified technician. Always follow the National Electrical Code (NEC), or the Canadian Electrical Code, as well as all local, state and provincial codes. The pump must be connected to a dedicated electrical circuit protected by a properly sized circuit breaker or fuses. Install a disconnect where required by code. Code questions should be directed to your electrical inspector.
No….Pumps and floats equipped with a 3-prong grounded plug must be connected to a 3-wire receptacle. Do not attach to extensions or connectors without a 3-prong grounded plug. Removing the plug from the power cord is not allowable per NEC code. Removing the plug will void the agency listing and the factory warranty.
Sump pumps are designed to operate intermittently and usually seasonally. It is recommended that you test the pump before your rainy season begins to insure that the pump and switch are operating properly. It is important to check your sump pump regularly to make sure that it is in proper working condition. Remove the cover and slowly pour water into the sump tank.; watch for the "float" to rise and trigger the pump; once the pump is engaged, the water level will quickly lower and the float will shut off the pump. This is what is called "a normal sump cycle".
We suggest installing a high water alarm system and a battery back-up pump system for finished basements or areas where flooding will cause property damage. A back-up generator is another option you can discuss with your pump installer. Most power outages occur during rain storms, just when you need your sump pump the most! Pump manufacturer's warranties cover only the pump. Labor and incidental expenses are not included in the warranties
A water powered sump pump runs off the water pressure from your home plumbing system. It has the same float-activated switch as the electric sump pump types, and handles water at a comparable rate. Since the water-powered pump requires no electricity to operate, it is installed alongside an electric sump and used as a backup system during a power failure.
When used in similar conditions, a 1/2 hp pump will pump more water and lift it higher than a 1/3 hp pump. Most new sump pumps will have a chart or graph in the instructions or on the box that shows the flow versus height of lift for both sizes. The flow is usually given in either gallons per minute or gallons per hour (multiply gpm by 60 to convert to gph). The height of lift is given in feet of vertical lift. There shouldn't be any problem, but where the flow into the sump is relatively slow there would be no advantage to using the larger pump. However, in situations where water flow can become rapid, a 1/2 hp pump may be able to keep up with the flow where a 1/3 hp pump may not.
Sump pumps do not have filters, but they do have screens or small openings where the water enters the pump. These can sometimes be plugged.
No, you should not. If you have a septic system, under no circumstances should the sump be pumped into the basement floor drain. During wet conditions the drainfield of the septic system is usually saturated & struggling to handle the normal flow of water from the house. Adding to it with a sump pump can damage the septic system. Even if you are connected to a public system the sump should not be pumped into a floor drain. Putting additional water into the sewer system can overload the public system and there may be a regulation against pumping into it.
Most sump pumps are designed for clear, clean ground water. The chemicals in laundry discharge can attack the seals on a sump pump. It’s possible for lint and other things discharged to get stuck in the impeller area and jam up the pump. Additionally, the soap scum that can be left behind from laundry water can foul the switch – this is particularly true of vertical switches. We recommend you purchase an effluent pump if you need to pump out laundry water.

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