Chemical Pumps

A chemical pump is any pump that is designed for pumping chemicals. Chemical pumps should be resistant to corrosive materials, so they can handle corrosive and abrasive liquids that would be damaging to standard pumps and piping systems. Apart from these general qualifications, a chemical pump may be practically any type of pump, and there are thousands of types of chemical pumps available for use depending upon the application. Some are made to handle simple, less corrosive chemicals such as oils or cosmetic products, while others are designed to pump the types of dangerous and volatile chemicals that must be kept under very specific conditions. Suitability for the application should be determined by actual use and is the full responsibility of the customer. No warranty, expressed or implied, can be extended by the equipment manufacturer where failure is caused by chemical attack on pump materials. Temperature, aeration, concentration, and other factors may change the effect of the specific fluid on the pump materials. Data shown is based on the results at ambient temperatures, unless otherwise noted.