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MP Pumps Chemflo 7, 316 Stainless Pump Pumpak 8.0" Impeller(Less Motor) # 31807

Item#: MPP-PMP-31807
Product Available Availability:
MP Pumps Chemflo 7 # 31807, 316 Stainless Pump Pumpak 8.0" Impeller (Less Motor)  (D)  <br>
Sale: $4,034.00

MP Pumps Chemflo 7 Pump Pumpak (Less Motor) # 31807 All Cast 316SS housing, Seal housing and Impeller which offers more corrosion resistance, increasing service life and application flexibility. This model also protects against extreme pH and temperature. Pipe size 2" x 1", with an enclosed impeller, standard type 2100 carbon/ceramic/viton seal and viton O-rings. Flows to 200 GPM and pressures to 280 ft of head. These pumps include only the PumpPak, they do not include the electric motor.


Rated Capacity: 200 GPM Maximum Head: 280 ft Suction & Discharge Connections: 3" X 2" FNPT Impeller Diameter: 8.0" impeller diameter. Construction: All Cast 316SS housing, Seal housing and with an enclosed impeller, standard type 2100 carbon/ceramic/viton seal and viton O-rings. Motor Required: 15 HP Motor Frame Required: 143-145TC Weight: 45 lbs
Imp. Capacity At Total Dynamic Head In Feet Shut
110' 120' 130' 140' 150' 160' 170' 180' 190' 200' 210' 220' 230' 240' 250' 260' 270'
Gallons Per Minute (GPM)
Pumpak 7 15 8.0" - - - - - - - - 200 187 179 167 155 145 128 110 90 280'

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