How To Determine Pool Pump Size
The information provided on this page is intended as a guide to help you determine what pool pumps are suitable candidates for your pool, however we strongly suggest that you consult with a certified pool professional before you make the final decision. Also there may be local municipal or city laws that may affect what kind of pool or spa pump can be used in your pool. Contact your local Department of Health for more information.Determine TDH:
The total dynamic head in feet of water is the amount of pressure resistance in the pool piping (pipe size, 90 degree turns, etc.) the pump has to overcome to push water through the pipe. The easiest way to calculate the TDH in a pool is to read the pressure gauge (PSI) readings in a cleaned and running pool filter and multiply the PSI by 2.31. TDH = (PSI x 2.31)Determine the Pool Turn Over Rate:
The turn over rate is how many times the pump circulates the entire pool volume through the filter system in a 24 hour period..... The Turn Over Rate for public/commercial pool = 6 hours;.... The Turn Over Rate for residential pool = 8 to 10 hours.Determine the Desired Flow Rate (DFR) in Gallons Per Minute (GPM)
Desired Flow Rate DFR = Gallons of water in pool / Turn Over Rate* x 60Example: Desired Flow Rate DFR = 20,000 gallons / 8 hrs x 60 = 41.67 gallons per minute (residential pool)Read Pump Capacity Chart:
Select the pump by following the TDH line across the chart until it crosses your GPM reading. This will give you an idea if you're operating with a proper pump size.Hayward Pumps
StaRite Pumps