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Burks End Suction Centrifugal Pump 125 GPM 5 HP # 350GA6-1-1/2

Item#: BUR-PMP-GA6-1-1/2WE-350-5.69
Product Available Availability:Usually ships the next business day
Burks Pumps End Suction Centrifugal Pump 125 GPM 5 HP # 350GA6-1-1/2 (C)
Sale: $3,630.30

Burks end suction, 3 phase, close-coupled, bronze fitted, centrifugal pump with mechanical seal. Ideal for chemical service, booster service, recirculation, general water supply, and washer lines. Will Ship Via Truck Line To A Commercial Address. See Requirements Residential Deliveries Incur Additional Charges.


Construction: Casing and bracket are close grain cast iron. Enclosed 5-11/16" bronze impeller, 302 stainless steel motor shaft, single mechanical seal with carbon faces, Buna elastomers and 304 stainless steel metal parts. Connections: 2" X 1-1/2" female NPT suction and discharge Motor: 5 HP, 3450 RPM, Open drip proof, three phase, 208/230/460 volts, 60 Hz, with ball bearings front and back and built-in overload protection. Clockwise rotation facing back of motor. Maximum working pressure: 200 PSI Maximum inlet pressure: 70 PSI Maximum working temperature: 180 degrees Fahrenheit Capacity: 70 GPM @ 135 TDH, 65% Efficiency, 7 NPSH *** 125 GPM @ 120 TDH, 75% Efficiency, 10 NPSH *** 180 GPM @ 80 TDH, 65% Efficiency, 15 NPSH *** 142 TDH Shut-off Carton dimension: 18" high, 16" wide, 29" long. Weight: 110 lbs

Pump Capacity - Burks 350GA6-1-1/2 At 0 Suction Lift
Model HP Capacity At Total Dynamic Head In Feet Shut
85' 90' 95' 100' 105' 110' 115' 120' 125' 130' 135'
Gallons Per Minute (GPM)
350GA6-1-1/2 5 175 170 164 158 152 145 136 125 112 96 80 143'

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