Pitcher Pumps Shallow and
Deep Well Hand Water Pumps

Pitcher Pumps
These strong and efficient cast iron hand water pitcher pumps are similar to the ones used by the pioneers that opened the West, the farms in the East and South in the 1800's. The Heller Aller Pump Company was established in 1886 and their pumps are still made in the USA by Amish craftsmen.The Oasis hand water pumps are also made in the USA. They are a modern version in reinforced ABS and PVC plastics which makes them light weight plus rust and corrosion resistant.
Pitcher Pump History The first all-metal pump in the world was cast and assembled in the little stone shop at Green and Ovid Streets, in Seneca Falls, New York in the year 1848. The idea for it was sponsored by Seabury S Gould himself, Goulds' first president. He believed in the possibilities of the iron pump. He watched as the first pump casting emerged from its mold of sand - a pump they believed would overcome all the disadvantages of the pitcher pumps manufactured in wood, one that would be strong and efficient and would provide water for the pioneers who were opening the West, the farms in the East, and down South. Pretty much every midwestern US state with a farm has an old manual hand pump somewhere on the property. The oldest and most used water pump in the world today STILL is the manual pump.